Daihatsu Charade Free Workshop and Repair Manuals. The Daihatsu Charade is a supermini car produced by the Japanese manufacturer Daihatsu from 1977 to 2000. It is considered by Daihatsu as a "large compact" car, to differentiate it from the smaller compacts in its lineup, such as the Daihatsu Mira. From September 1986 to 2009, over 1.5 million units were sold in China.
WebWe have 7 Daihatsu Charade manuals covering a total of 13 years of production. In the table below you can see 1 Charade Workshop Manuals,0 Charade Owners Manuals and 1 Miscellaneous Daihatsu Charade downloads. Our most popular manual is the Daihatsu Charade Service Repair Manual.
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